Welcome from the Chair, Dr. Andrew Zentner
On behalf of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, I welcome you to this web site where you will find information about the department, our faculty and students, and the facilities we have available for teaching and research. Sections of this site are devoted to undergraduates considering a major in our department and to applicants to our graduate program. Please don't hesitate to contact any member of our department with questions you may have.

100 Allen Hall Schedule
100 Allen Hall, the Department Main Office, is open in-person 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday with varying staff.
Brief History of the Department
The Department of Physics and Astronomy has a long and distinguished history of innovative research and outstanding teaching, from its founding in 1867 and the work of its first chair Samuel Pierpont Langley to internationally recognized research efforts in a wide range of topics by the current faculty.
Department Buildings
The University of Pittsburgh's internationally recognized Department of Physics and Astronomy has offices, laboratories, and educational facilities housed in several historic buildings. View the department layout.
Department Openings
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pittsburgh is always in search of quality people. Please check periodically for future openings.
Departmental Opportunities
In the Fall term the Department of Physics and Astronomy invites proposals for Artist-in-Residence projects that respond to Physics and Astronomy research from creative visual arts and music composition perspectives.