Equity and Inclusion

Promoting equity and inclusion is a priority for our department and is a key component of the University’s Plan for Pitt. The department currently offers a number of fellowship programs to support research and academic careers of both undergraduate students and graduate students. Our department was one of the hosts of the 2020 APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, which was held in Pittsburgh on January 17-19, 2020.


APS Bridge Program

We are a partner campus in the American Physical Society Bridge Program, which provides opportunities for students from underrepresented groups to join our Ph.D. program with additional mentoring and support.

Women and Minorities in Physics

The Women and Minorities in Physics group at Pitt was formed to create and foster a community that promotes the advancement and success of female and minority physicists by encouraging a supportive and diverse  environment. We welcome anyone who is interested in discussing topics related to women and minorities in physics at all levels.

Pitt Physics Pride: Ultra-VioLETS

Ultra-VioLETS (or Visibility of LGBTQ+ Experimentalists, Theorists, and Staff) is an affinity group of the department of Physics and Astronomy dedicated to providing a safe space for LGBTQ+ members of the department and our allies to socialize, have candid discussions, and promote inclusivity.