Particle Physics

Brian Batell
Associate Professor
Co-Director of Graduate Studies
401 Allen Hall
Riccardo Maria Bianchi's profile picture
Riccardo Maria Bianchi
Research Associate
off-site researcher based at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Joseph Boudreau
418 Allen Hall
Huacheng Cai
Research Associate
Ben Carlson
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Istvan Danko
Lab Instructor
Lab Manager
329 OEH
(412) 624-9030
Anthony H. Duncan
Professor Emeritus
400 Allen Hall
Steven A. Dytman
Professor Emeritus
416 Allen Hall
Ayres Freitas
403 Allen Hall
(412) 624-9060
Tao Han
Distinguished Professor of High Energy Physics
Director of PITT PACC
420B Allen Hall
(412) 624-2763
Tae Min Hong
Associate Professor
412 Allen Hall
(412) 383-4081
Alex K. Jones
Professor/Secondary Appointment
Peter F. M. Koehler
Professor Emeritus
518 Allen Hall
Adam K Leibovich
Bettye J. and Ralph E. Bailey Dean of the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and College of General Studies
910 Cathedral of Learning
James A Mueller
413 Allen Hall
Donna Naples
415 Allen Hall
Max Niedermaier
Research Associate Professor
408 Allen Hall
Vittorio Paolone
409 Allen Hall
Ralph Z Roskies
Professor Emeritus
Vice Chancellor for Research Computing
312A Schenley Place. 4420 Bayard Street
Vladimir Savinov
402 Allen Hall
Paul F Shepard
Professor Emeritus
508 Allen Hall
Joerg Harald Stelzer
Research Assistant Professor
CERN Laboratory
Pranava Teja Surukuchi
Assistant Professor
417 Allen Hall
Eric S. Swanson
404 Allen Hall
412 799 3663
Frank Tabakin
Professor Emeritus
33 Hubbard Street