HEP Seminar: Alex Kagan (University of Cincinnati)
February 17, 2016 - 9:30pm to 11:00pm
Title: A light Higgs and parity doubling from vacuum misalignment in bosonic technicolor
Vacuum misalignment extends approximate Nambu-Goldstone protection to the fundamental Higgs in minimal bosonic technicolor with coset structure SU(4)/Sp(4). The Higgs mass is thus ~ mH sin(theta) , where mH is the Higgs mass parameter originating from the UV theory, e.g. supersymmetry breaking, and sin(theta) is the degree of misalignment from the electroweak conserving vacuum. The misalignment also suppresses resonance contributions to the S parameter by ~sin^2(theta), in part due to explicit realization of parity doubling. One of the pNGB’s is a potential diphoton candidate. This is a promising framework for realizing natural dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking. We briefly discuss an R-symmetric SUSY UV completion in this context.
Location and Address
321 Allen