HEP Seminar: Steven Schramm (Geneva)

May 5, 2021 - 3:00pm


Searching for new physics in fully-hadronic diboson resonances: from reconstruction to analysis

High-energy interactions of electroweak bosons are of great interest at the LHC, and could be the key to the discovery of physics beyond the Standard Model.  Di-boson resonances in particular are predicted by a wide variety of new physics models, and could provide the first evidence for new high-mass Spin-0, Spin-1, or Spin-2 particles.  High-energy di-boson processes are quite rare, and thus it is important to also consider the hadronic decay channels, which have the largest branching fractions.  While they have the highest statistical power, these hadronic final states face many other challenges, and it is critical to develop powerful reconstruction techniques to identify di-boson processes from among the dramatically larger Standard Model hadronic backgrounds.  This seminar will cover the full analysis path of the fully hadronic di-boson resonance search, from the development of the necessary reconstruction techniques through to the final analysis sensitivity to a variety of new physics models.

Location and Address

Zoom ID: 932 8106 9106

Zoom PW: Department members, see email for password.
Non-department members, contact bcarlson@pitt.edu for password