HEP Seminar: Tie-Jiun Hou (University of South China)
April 5, 2023 - 4:00pm
Global PDF analysis with Lattice input: CT18CS and CT18As
The Parton Distribution Functions(PDFs), as an essential ingredient of realistic cross section calculation in the framework of perturbative QCD, describe the x-dependent structure of hadron base on global analysis amount hard-scattering measurements. As a weakness, the PDFs from global analysis receive larger uncertainty when data is scarce. Starting from first principle operator definitions of PDFs, PDF-related quantities are computed in the framework of Lattice QCD, and they provide comparisons and supplements for PDF from global analysis. In this presentation, we will talk about the current status and future prospects of PDF global analysis with Lattice-QCD inputs.
Location and Address
321 Allen Hall & Zoom
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