HEP Special Seminar: Linda Carpenter

November 18, 2024 - 2:30pm

LEX-EFT: Light Exotics Effective Field Theory and Portals to New Physics

I propose the creation of a Light Exotics Effective Field Theory (LEX-EFT) catalog. LEX-EFT is a generic framework to capture all interactions between the Standard Model (SM) and all (or at least a large class of) theoretically allowed exotic states beyond the Standard Model (bSM), indexed by their SM and bSM charges. These states are light enough to be on or nearly on shell in some collider processes. This framework, which subsumes beyond the Standard Model paradigms as generally as possible, is meant to extend recent successful implementations of bSM EFTs and complement e.g. the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT), which can capture the off-shell effects of exotic fields. In this work, we review a general method for the construction of a complete list of gauge-invariant operators involving SM interactions with light exotics via iterative tensor product decomposition, up to the desired order in mass dimension. Each operator is characterized by specific Clebsch-Gordan coefficients determined by the charge flow; we show how this charge flow affects the range of EFT validity and cross sections associated with an effective operator. I show the utility of a portal based application of LEX-EFT by exploring complete sets of new states and event topologies that can be reached through the di-boson SM portal.

Location and Address

419 Allen Hall and Zoom

Zoom link: https://pitt.zoom.us/j/98189620916
Password: pittpacc