PhD Defense: Yangqiuting (Doris) Li

July 29, 2022 - 10:00am

Improving inclusiveness of learning environment in introductory physics and content understanding in quantum physics

Abstract: Students’ motivational beliefs and academic performance at the end of a physics course are important course outcomes. Prior studies have shown that factors such as students’ prior preparation, quality of teaching, and sociocultural factors can influence students’ motivational beliefs and academic performance. However, very few studies have investigated the effect of students’ perception of the inclusiveness of the learning environment on their motivational beliefs and academic performance.

In this thesis, I will share research results about students’ perception of the inclusiveness of the learning environment and its relationship to gender, motivational beliefs, and academic performance in introductory physics courses. These findings suggest that instructors play an important role in developing a more equitable and inclusive learning environment, in which all students can thrive. In addition, I will discuss my work on the development, validation and in-class implementation of a multiple-choice questions sequence (MQS), which was designed to help advanced undergraduate students improve their understanding of quantum measurement.

Location and Address

Hybrid Event.
321 Allen Hall
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