Pitt PACC / HEP Group Meeting: Juhun Kwak
November 1, 2024 - 1:30pm
Single 2HDM Heavy Higgs Production at a Muon Collider
A multi-TeV muon collider is an exciting venue to search for new physics thanks to its clean high-energy environment. One of the primary motivations for the muon collider is to probe the Higgs sector of the standard model and test the theories that extend it. One such extension is the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM), that predicts the existence of a heavy pseudo-scalar and two charged scalars in addition to two scalars, one of which is identified as the standard model Higgs. The production cross-sections of the heavy Higgses are maximized for two Higgs final state. However, if the heavy Higgses are heavier than several TeV, this channel may be kinematically forbidden. In this talk, I will present how to work around this issue by taking advantage of the radiation from the muon beam. In particular, I will talk about how the neutrino beam resulting from W boson radiation from the muon beam could produce single charged Higgs in 2HDM. The standard model background and the distinguishability between different 2HDMs will also be discussed.
This work is done under the supervision of Prof. Tao Han.
Location and Address
321 Allen Hall
password: pittpacc