Tong Pang


The main thrust of my research is searching for new physics beyond the standard model, specifically through precise measurements of CP asymmetries and rare decays containing heavy b quarks at Belle I & II experiments.

The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics has been incredibly successful in describing fundamental interactions at microscopic level. In spite of its success, the SM leaves some very important phenomena, such as neutrino masses and dark matter unexplained and definitely falls short of being a complete theory of fundamental interactions.

One of the most important goals of particle physics is providing the explanation for baryogenesis, i.e. asymmetry between matter and antimatter in visible universe. To explain baryogenesis requires CP violation which the SM of particle physics explains by an irreducible complex phase in the weak interaction quark-flavor-mixing matrix (CKM matrix). The CKM quark flavor mixing matrix  is as an integral component of the Standard Model, however, the explanation of baryogenesis requires significantly larger amount of CP violation than is explained by the SM. Therefore we need to search for new, non-SM sources of CP violation. Besides CP violating phenomena, new physics not predicted or explained by the SM could be discovered by measuring the matrix elements and the angles of the so-called unitarity triangles which express SM self-consistency. I am now working on the measurement of one of the three angles, φ2, a.k.a. α, in a time-dependent Dalitz analysis of BBbar oscillations using data being collected at Belle II experiment. This analysis is also sensitive to new, non-SM sources of CP violation.

I am also contributing to TOP, Time of Propagation Particle identification system of the Belle II detector, which is a system of 16 compact Cherenkov counters, where the separation among different particle species is achieved through the likelihood-based analysis of Cherenkov radiation images detected on compact photomultipliers. This subdetector is also an integral part of the trigger system of the Belle II experiment.





Graduate Advisor

Vladimir Savinov