PITT PACC Seminar: Andrei Gritsan (JHU)
September 26, 2018 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Title: What and why we learn about the Higgs boson properties from the LHC
Abstract: The Higgs boson discovered six years ago is a fundamentally new state with the spin-parity properties of vacuum. Understanding the vacuum filled with the Higgs field requires deep experimental measurements. Over the past three years during its second run, LHC delivered a number of proton-proton collisions well beyond expectation. We will review some selected results on the Higgs boson properties based on the dataset collected by CMS in this second run of LHC. We will go through the four main topics: Higgs boson couplings to gauge bosons, couplings to fermions, self-couplings, and search for an extended Higgs sector. We will pay particular attention to anomalous couplings in the above interactions and how kinematics in the Higgs boson production and decay can help us to extract maximal information about the Higgs boson properties. Prospects of some of these measurements through the end of run-three and phase-two of LHC will be discussed.
Location and Address
321 Allen Hall