HEP Seminar: Ahmed Ismail (Oklahoma State University)

April 14, 2021 - 3:00pm

Testing LHC Neutrinos with FASERν

The Large Hadron Collider produces TeV-scale neutrinos, especially at high rapidity from the decay of forward mesons. While these neutrinos pass through the general-purpose detectors unseen, the upcoming FASERν experiment will accrue tens of thousands of neutrino deep inelastic scattering events in Run 3. Charged current scattering would result in a charged lepton leaving a visible track, but neutral current scattering events are more challenging to observe due to the neutrino in the final state. We perform a phenomenological study of neutrino neutral current interactions at FASERν, demonstrating the ability to measure the scattering cross section across a wide range of energies. These measurements can be used to search for neutrino non-standard interactions, and we project sensitivities that are complementary to those from oscillation and coherent scattering experiments.

Location and Address

Zoom ID: 932 8106 9106

Zoom PW: Department members, see email for password.
Non-department members, contact bcarlson@pitt.edu for password