HEP Seminar: Tathagata Ghosh (Texas A&M University)

November 4, 2015 - 9:30pm to 11:00pm

Title : Neutralinos and Sleptons at the LHC in Light of Muon (g−2)


In this talk I'll present the study of the neutralinos and sleptons in various multi-lepton final states at the LHC in light of $\gmu$ anomaly. I'll show the result of scan of the MSSM parameters relevant to $\gmu$  and focus on three distinct cases with different neutralino compositions. The explanation of $\gmu$ excess at 2$\sigma$ range requires the smuon ($\tilde{\mu}_1$) to be lighter than $\sim$ 500 (1000) GeV for $\tan \beta=10\,(50)$. Correspondingly the two lightest neutralinos, $\neu{1},\neu{2}$, have to be lighter than $\sim$ 300 (650) GeV and 900 (1500) GeV respectively. I'll present the prospects of searching these  light neutralinos and smuons at the LHC.


Location and Address

419 Allen Hall