115 OEH
Experimental low–energy atomic collision physics, ion–molecule reactions, electron–ion and ion–ion recombination, atmospheric and astrophysical applications of atomic collisions.
Selected Publications
- Collisional-radiative recombination of Ar+ ions with electrons in ambient helium at temperatures for 50 K to 100 K. Dohnal, P.; Rubovič, Kotric, T., A. Hejduk, M.; Plašil, R. Johnsen, R. Glosík, J. , Phys. Rev. A 87, 052716 (2013)
- Mutual neutralization of atomic rare-gas cations (Ne+, Ar+, Kr+, Xe+) with atomic halide anions (Cl-, Br-, I-) Nicholas S. Shuman, Thomas Miller, Rainer Johnsen, Albert A. Viggiano, Journal of Chemical Physics 140, 044304 (2014)
- Three-body mechanisms in plasma recombination of H3+ and D3+ ions, Rainer Johnsen, EPJ Web of Conferences 84, 01003 (2015)
- Flowing-afterglow Measurements of Electron-Ion Recombination of para-H3+ and ortho-H3+ Ions at Temperatures from 60 to 300 K. Michal Hejduk, Petr Dohnal, Peter Rubovič, Ábel Kálosi, Radek Plašil, Juraj Glosík and Rainer Johnsen, Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, 044303 (2015)
- Rydberg state, metastable, and electron dynamics in the low-pressure argon afterglow Tsanko V. Tsankov, Rainer Johnsen and Uwe Czarnetzki. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 24 (2015) 065001
- Transport coefficients of He+ ions in Helium, Larry A. Viehland, Rainer Johnsen, Benjamin R. Gray, and Timothy G. Wright, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 074306 (2016)
- Stationary afterglow measurements of the temperature dependence of electron-ion recombination rate coefficients of H2D+ and HD2+in He/Ar/H2/D2 gas mixtures at T = 80 -145 K, Radek Plasil, Petr Dohnal,Abel Kalosi, Stepan Roucka,Rainer Johnsen, and Juraj Glosik, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 26,035006 (2017)
- Accurate gaseous Ion mobility measurements, Larry A. Viehland, Anbara Lutfullaeva, Jamiyanaa Dashdorj, and Rainer Johnsen, Int. J. Ion Mobil. Spec. 20, 95( 2017)
- Overtone spectroscopy of N2H+ molecular ions —application of cavity ring-down spectroscopy, Á. Kálosi, P. Dohnal, D. Shapko, S. Roucka, R. Plasil, R. Johnsen and J. Glosík JINST. 12 C10010 (2017)
- Stationary Afterglow apparatus with CRDS for study of processes in plasmas from 300 K down to 30 K, R. Plasil,P. Dohnal, A. Kalosi, S. Roucka, D. Shapko, S. Rednyk, R. Johnsen, and J. Glosık, Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 063116 (2018)
- Velocity distribution functions for O+(4S3/2) ions drifting in helium and cross section for reaction of O+(4S3/2) with N2(v=0), Larry A. Viehland and Rainer Johnsen, Journal of Chemical Physics, 149, 074311 (2018)
- Cross sections and rate coefficients for O+ Reacting with N2, O2, and NO, Larry A. Viehland and Rainer Johnsen, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres 124, ( 2019), 13593-13600
- Dissociative recombination of N2H+ ions with electrons in the temperature range of 80–350 K. Dmytro Shapko, Petr Dohnal , Miroslava Kassayova, Abel Kalosi , Serhiy Rednyk, Stepan Roucka, Radek Plasil , Lucie D. Augustovicova, Rainer Johnsen, Vladimír Spirko , and Juraj Glosík. J. Chem. Phys. 152, 024301 (2020)