ASTRON 0113: Introduction to Astronomy
Astron 0113Credits: 3
An introduction to the physics of the solar system, stars, galaxies, extragalactic objects and the Universe at large. Topics include: size scales of the Universe, some review of basic physics, telescopes, the evolution and deaths of stars, the interstellar medium, star clusters, our Milky Way galaxy, external galaxy formation and evolution, active galactic nuclei and quasars, dark matter, dark energy, and cosmology. This course is intended for students majoring in the natural sciences. Although calculus is not used in this course, algebra and trigonometry are used extensively. Students who are not majoring in the natural sciences and/or who are not comfortable with algebra and trigonometry-based problem solving are advised to take ASTRON 0089. Although there are no formal physics prerequisites for ASTRON 0113, experience with at least high school physics is recommended.
[Pre-requisites: Any MATH greater than or equal to MATH 0032 (Min Grade 'C') or MATH PLACEMENT SCORE (61 or greater)]