HEP Seminar: Sungwoo Hong (Cornell)
November 8, 2017 - 9:30pm to 10:30pm
Location and Address
321 Allen Hall
Schedule of Events
Title: A natural generalization of the standard Randall-Sundrum framework and its phenomenological implications.
Abstract: In the first part of the talk, I will introduce a very natural extension of well-motivated extra-dimensional framework of Randall-Sundrum type. Such a generalization is motivated by (null) results from both high energy (LHC) and low energy (flavor, CP, and electroweak precision) experiments. In particular, null results from the LHC led us to consider the possibility that little hierarchy may exist. In addition to the consistency with low energy bounds, our generalization can address the question of the form of TeV scale new physics we can expect. I will argue that such new physics appearing at the TeV scale is in the form vector-like confinement. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss several exciting signals probable at the LHC and in future colliders.