See quote below from First-Year Undergraduate Physics and Astronomy student Mahitha Ramachandran:
"I attended CUWiP at the University of Pennsylvania a couple weeks ago. We really appreciated the department being able to fund our trip to the conference. I have attached a picture here of (from left) Marina Skuban, Kelsey Hall, and me at CUWiP with our poster for STEPUP. Attending CUWiP was an incredible experience. Not only did I get to meet so many other undergraduate women and minorities in physics and foster friendship and community with them, but I also got to hear talks from and have conversations with several women in physics who are in diverse careers and stages including graduate students, post-doc researchers, professors, industry professionals, and more. It was inspiring and empowering to see how many different paths you can take with a physics degree and to hear from so many women who were once where we are about how they got to where they are, the challenges they have faced, the lessons they have learned, the things they are passionate about, and the advice they would give to us. The opportunity to attend this conference, especially as a first-year undergraduate student, is something I am immensely grateful for – I met so many amazing people, learned so much about this field and the array of careers it prepares you for, and returned to Pitt feeling even more excited about pursuing physics than I already was."