George G. Gatewood

  • Professor Emeritus


Astronomy, Astronomical Instrumentation, Statistical Methods, Stellar Astrophysics Observational discovery and study of Planetary Systems.

Selected Publications

  • "An Astrometric Study of the Low-Mass Binary Star Ross 614," G. Gatewood, I. Han, and L. Coban, AJ 125, 1530, 2003.
  • "The Allegheny Observatory CCD Parallax Program," G. Gatewood, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, The Annual Meeting of the AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy, Cannes, France, BAAS, 36, 854, 2004.
  • "An Astrometric Study of the Binary Star α Oph," G. Gatewood, AJ 130, 809, 2005.
  • "Preliminary Parallaxes from the Allegheny and Carnegie Observatories," G. Gatewood, A. Boss, A.J. Weinberger, I. Thompson, S. Majewski, R. Patterson, L. Coban, BAAS, 37, 1269, 2006.
  • "An Astrometric Study of Procyon," G. Gatewood and Inwoo Han, AJ 131, 1015, 2006.