Pitt Pacc Seminar: Andy White (UTA) -This lecture is part of the distinguished PITT PACC lecture series.
November 18, 2020 - 3:00pm
The International Linear Collider Physics, Accelerator, Detector(S)
The International Linear Collider Project is entering a critical phase with the establishment of the International Development Team and the foreseen creation of the Pre-Laboratory. The current status of the ILC will be reviewed. The ILC physics program offers the opportunity to explore the Higgs sector with unprecedented precision, make measurements for the top quark, measure the couplings of the W and Z bosons, and carry out searches for new particles. The ILC accelerator design is mature and associated technologies have seen beneficial advances that hold the prospect of cost reduction and extension of the energy reach. Finally, detector concepts have been developed that have been shown to be capable of making the required measurements to support the physics program. The status and plans for each of these areas of the ILC Project will be summarized together with an overview of the steps towards its realization.
Location and Address
Zoom ID: 932 8106 9106
Zoom PW: Department members, see email for password.
Non-department members, contact bcarlson@pitt.edu for password