Minor in Physics
Students wishing to minor in physics may do so by taking 16 credits of prescribed physics courses. This program provides the student with a broad overview of both classical and modern physics, and is an excellent complement to many major fields, even outside of the natural sciences. Beginning science and engineering majors who switch their majors after their 1st or 2nd years will find it particularly simple to earn a minor in physics by simply adding the modern physics sequence, physics 0477 and 0481, to the courses that they have already taken. Students taking the minors sequence will have to satisfy the course prerequisites as specified in the course descriptions below.
Graduation Requirements
- Introductory physics: 0174, 0175, and 0219 or the corresponding honors courses
Additional physics: 0477 and one of the following – 0481, 1374, 1375, 1376 or 1378