BS in Physics

This program is designed for those who wish to use their knowledge of physics professionally. A minimum program is specified which provides the student with a mastery of essential aspects of physics and related areas. Elective courses beyond the basic requirements may be chosen to suit the individual interests and needs of the student, such as courses required for admission to medical school or courses in the School of Engineering.

A grade average of C or better in the required science courses is required in this program.

Graduation Requirements

PHYS 0174 & 0175 Basic Physics, Science and Engineering 1 & 2
PHYS 0475 & 0476 Intro to Physics, Science and Engineering 1 & 2
PHYS 0477 Introduction to Thermodynamics, Relativity, and Quantum Theory
PHYS 1310 Undergraduate Seminar
PHYS 1321 Computational Methods in Physics
PHYS 1331 Mechanics
PHYS 1341 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
PHYS 1351 Intermediate Electricity/Magnetism
PHYS 1370 Quantum Mechanics
Choose 10 credit hours of Laboratory Courses:
ASTRON 1263 Techniques of Astronomy
PHYS 0219 Basic Lab Physics Science and Engineering
PHYS 0520 Modern Physical Measurements
PHYS 0525 Analog and Digital Electronics
PHYS 1361 Wave Motion and Optics
PHYS 1426 Modern Physics Laboratory
MATH 0220 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1
MATH 0230 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2
MATH 0240 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3
MATH 0280 Linear Algebra
MATH 0290 Differential Equations
*or the corresponding honors courses
Choose 9 credit hours of science electives between Groups A and B, with at least 3 credit hours from Group B.

BIOSC 0150 Fourndations of Biology 1
BIOSC 0160 Foundations of Biology 2
BIOENG 1070 Introduction to Cell Biology 1
BIOENG 1071 Introduction to Cell Biology 2
CHEM 0110 General Chemistry 1
CHEM 0120 General Chemistry 2
CHEM 0310 Organic Chemistry 1
CHEM 0320 Organic Chemistry 2
CS 0401 Intermediate Programming Using Java
CS 0445 Data Structures
ENGR 0240 Nanotechnology and Nano-Engineering
GEOL 0040 Physical Geology
STAT 1151 Introduction to Probability
STAT 1152 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics

ASTRON 1120 Stellar Structure
ASTRON 1121 Galaxies and Cosmology
CHEM 1410 Physical Chemistry 1
CHEM 1420 Physical Chemistry 2
CHEM 1620 Atoms, Molecules and Materials
ECE 1232 Introduction to Lasers & Optical Electronics
ECE 1247 Semiconductor Device Theory
GEOL 1410 Exploration Geophysics
MATH 1470 Partial Differential Equations
MATH 1550 Vector Analysis and Applications
MATH 1560 Complex Variables and Applications
MEMS 1054 Materials Science
PHYS 0481 Applications of Modern Physics
PHYS 1374 Introduction to Solid State Physics
PHYS 1375 Foundations of Nanoscience
PHYS 1376 Introduction to Biological Physics
PHYS 1378 Introduction to Nuclear Particle Physics

View Physics degree requirements (PDF) »

Graduation Requirements - Graduate School Preparation

PHYS 0174 & 0175 Basic Physics, Science and Engineering 1 & 2
PHYS 0475 & 0476 Intro to Physics, Science and Engineering 1 & 2
PHYS 0477 Introduction to Thermodynamics, Relativity, and Quantum Theory
PHYS 1310 Undergraduate Seminar
PHYS 1321 Computational Methods in Physics
PHYS 1331 Mechanics
PHYS 1341 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
PHYS 1351 Intermediate Electricity/Magnetism
PHYS 1370 Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 1371 Quantum Mechanics 2
PHYS 1372 Electromagnetic Theory
PHYS 1373 Mathematical Methods of Physics
Choose 7 credit hours of Laboratory Courses:
ASTRON 1263 Techniques of Astronomy
PHYS 0219 Basic Lab Physics Science and Engineering
PHYS 0520 Modern Physical Measurements
PHYS 0525 Analog and Digital Electronics
PHYS 1361 Wave Motion and Optics
PHYS 1426 Modern Physics Laboratory
MATH 0220 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1
MATH 0230 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2
MATH 0240 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3
MATH 0280 Linear Algebra
MATH 0290 Differential Equations
*or the corresponding honors courses
Choose 9 credit hours of science electives between Groups A and B, with at least 3 credit hours from Group B.

BIOSC 0150 Fourndations of Biology 1
BIOSC 0160 Foundations of Biology 2
BIOENG 1070 Introduction to Cell Biology 1
BIOENG 1071 Introduction to Cell Biology 2
CHEM 0110 General Chemistry 1
CHEM 0120 General Chemistry 2
CHEM 0310 Organic Chemistry 1
CHEM 0320 Organic Chemistry 2
CS 0401 Intermediate Programming Using Java
CS 0445 Data Structures
ENGR 0240 Nanotechnology and Nano-Engineering
GEOL 0040 Physical Geology
STAT 1151 Introduction to Probability
STAT 1152 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics

ASTRON 1120 Stellar Structure
ASTRON 1121 Galaxies and Cosmology
CHEM 1410 Physical Chemistry 1
CHEM 1420 Physical Chemistry 2
CHEM 1620 Atoms, Molecules and Materials
ECE 1232 Introduction to Lasers & Optical Electronics
ECE 1247 Semiconductor Device Theory
GEOL 1410 Exploration Geophysics
MATH 1470 Partial Differential Equations
MATH 1550 Vector Analysis and Applications
MATH 1560 Complex Variables and Applications
MEMS 1054 Materials Science
PHYS 0481 Applications of Modern Physics
PHYS 1374 Introduction to Solid State Physics
PHYS 1375 Foundations of Nanoscience
PHYS 1376 Introduction to Biological Physics
PHYS 1378 Introduction to Nuclear Particle Physics

Graduation Requirements - Education

PHYS 0174 & 0175 Basic Physics, Science and Engineering 1 & 2
PHYS 0475 & 0476 Intro to Physics, Science and Engineering 1 & 2
PHYS 0477 Introduction to Thermodynamics, Relativity, and Quantum Theory
PHYS 1310 Undergraduate Seminar
PHYS 1331 Mechanics
PHYS 1351 Intermediate Electricity/Magnetism
Choose 7 credit hours of Laboratory Courses:
ASTRON 1263 Techniques of Astronomy
PHYS 0219 Basic Lab Physics Science and Engineering
PHYS 0520 Modern Physical Measurements
PHYS 0525 Analog and Digital Electronics
PHYS 1361 Wave Motion and Optics
PHYS 1426 Modern Physics Laboratory
MATH 0220 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1
MATH 0230 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2
MATH 0240 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3
MATH 0280 Linear Algebra
MATH 0290 Differential Equations
*or the corresponding honors courses
CHEM 0110 General Chemistry 1
CHEM 0120 General Chemistry 2
PHYS 0481 Applications of Modern Physics
PSYED 1001 Introduction to Educational Psychology
ADMPS 1001 Social Foundations of Education
IL 1430 Intro to Science Education
IL 1580  Foundations of Special Education
Choose 3 credit hours from courses that emphasize the broader impact of science:
Any HPS course (History and Philosophy of Science)
PHYS 0087 Physics and Society

Suggested sequence of courses for the B.S. in Physics

Semester Physics Math Electives
1 - Fall 0174 or 0475 0220 or 0230  
2 - Spring 0175 or 0476 0230 or 0240  
3 - Fall 0219 or 0520, 0477 0240  
4 - Spring 0525 0280  
5 - Fall 1321, 1351 0290  
6 - Spring 1310, 1331, 1341   Science
7 - Fall 1370   Science, Lab
8 - Spring 1426   Science

Advanced sequence of courses for the B.S. in Physics

Semester Physics Math Electives
1 - Fall 0475 0230  
2 - Spring 0476 0240, 0280  
3 - Fall 0520, 0477 0290  
4 - Spring 0525, 1331    
5 - Fall 1351, 1370    
6 - Spring 1310, 1341   Science
7 - Fall 1321   Science, Lab
8 - Spring 1426   Science

Suggested sequence of courses for the B.S. in Physics-Graduate School Preparation

Semester Physics Math Electives
1 - Fall 0174 or 0475 0220 or 0230  
2 - Spring 0175 or 0476 0230 or 0240  
3 - Fall 0219 or 0520, 0477 0240  
4 - Spring 0525 0280  
5 - Fall 1321, 1351 0290 Lab
6 - Spring 1310, 1331, 1341   Science
7 - Fall 1370, 1373   Science
8 - Spring 1371, 1372   Science

Advanced sequence of courses for the B.S. in Physics-Graduate School Preparation

Semester Physics Math Electives
1 - Fall 0475 0230  
2 - Spring 0476 0240, 0280  
3 - Fall 0520, 0477 0290  
4 - Spring 0525, 1331    
5 - Fall 1321, 1351, 1370   Lab
6 - Spring 1310, 1341, 1371   Science
7 - Fall 1373   Science
8 - Spring 1372   Science

Suggested sequence of courses for the B.S. in Physics- Education

Semester Physics Math Electives
1 - Fall 0174 or 0475 0220 or 0230 CHEM 0110
2 - Spring 0175 or 0476 0230 or 0240 CHEM 0120
3 - Fall 0219 or 0520, 0477 0240  
4 - Spring 0481 0280 Science
5 - Fall 1351 0290  
6 - Spring 0525, 1331    
7 - Fall     Education, Lab
8 - Spring 1310   Education, Lab